I caught a Kestrel

On an extremely cold January afternoon as we watched Jackdaws and Rooks head south to their nightly roost, this Kestrel quietly observed us from its perch. As I got my camera on it, right on cue, the bird showed us its beautiful flight.

Earlier on this bird had also demonstrated the magnificent power they have to hold their bodies perfectly still in the sky whilst frantically beating their wings.

Not a lot makes me happier than seeing this!

A perfect display from a Holme Valley Kestrel on a cold cold January day

This brief encounter prompted me to get the bird books out and do a bit of reading about the Kestrel. Here are a few facts for you:

Kestrel - Falco tinnunculus

Voice: kee kee kee

Length: 33-39cm

Wingspan: 65-75cm

Eggs: 3-6 Buff white with reddish brown speckles

Population: 31,000 breeding pairs

Superpower: Kestrels can detect UV light emitted from rodents urine